Booking a Survey

Our aim is to provide a simple, fast and efficient service.

  1. Please contact me by e-mail or my mobile telephone to discuss your requirements.  We will be pleased to advise you which type of survey would be most suitable for your needs.
  2. I will quote you a price based on your requirements and let you know our availability.
  3. I will send you an email to confirm our cost for the survey, confirm availability and provide our standard RICS terms and conditions
  4. To confirm your booking, I will ask you to reply to my email confirming the address and purchase price of the property, and that you agree to the terms and conditions. I will also need your current home address for VAT purposes and to check any conflicts of interest .
  5. As soon as receive the agreed terms and conditions I will contact the Estate Agent to arrange an appointment with the vendor to carry out my inspection visit as soon as possible.
  6. I will require payment prior to releasing the report. The quickest and easiest method is by electronic bank transfer directly into my bank account. I also accept cheques made payable to 'SP Surveyors Ltd' but this may slow the process down.
  7. Once I have received your payment I will send you your survey report by email.   I aim to email your survey report to you the next working day after my inspection visit. If you would like a hard copy by post please let me know.
  8. Surveys are often by their nature rather negative. I often recommend that the report is read twice, as it often seems less onerous at the second reading. When you have read through your survey report I am happy to discuss and queries or concerns this may have raised.